Our Work

In pursuit of greater equality, access to opportunity, fostering entrepreneurial spirit, and enabling change through technology.

Our Approach

Audacious ambitions fueled by visionary partnerships, innovative ideas, proven solutions, and gritty determination, we aim to dream big to effect positive change.

The Latest

Launch of DRISHTI: A Landmark India-Israel Tech Collaboration

DRISHTI’s Centre of Excellence (CoE), lead by Motwani Jadeja Foundation, to Provide Israeli Innovators Access to India’s Thriving Defense and Tech Sectors

Launching the Motwani Jadeja Impact Fellowship

Spotlight on India During the UN General Assembly: Empowering Impact Leaders through the Motwani Jadeja Impact Fellowship

Motwani Jadeja Foundation Boosts U.S.-India Ties with Major Gift to UC San Diego

The donation by Motwani Jadeja Foundation will support the UC San Diego’s 21st Century India Center.

Motwani-Jadeja Foundation, HSCI, and GTU Launch Pioneering Initiative: Unveiling the First Seven Interreligious Hindu Chaplains

Berkeley, CA, May 21, 2024 – The Motwani-Jadeja Foundation proudly supports the Hindu Spiritual Care Institute (HSCI) and the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, CA. This collaboration marks a significant milestone by introducing the first seven interreligious Hindu Chaplains, who will be ambassadors of spiritual wellness and community service.

From Asha's Timeline

Countdown to 2027 has begun. India must pick strategic alliance with US, balance with old friendships

India must dedicate its efforts to solidify Quad as a serious security alliance and signal to the world that it values...

Those of Indian descent are part of the American dream. Attacks on them must be taken seriously

In recent history, hate crimes against those of Indian descent in the US can be traced back to 1980s when a gang known as ‘Dotbusters’ targeted Indian Americans in New York-New Jersey.

Left historians have distorted Indian history. Young minds must bring back nationalist spirit

Revolutionary nationalism in India, initiated by the Swadeshi movement of the 20th century, was trivialised as a mere “cult of individual violence”.

Hamas must move past scripture now & compromise with a powerful neighbour

Expansion of nationalist movements, coupled with the belief that terrorism could be a viable means to achieve political aims, sowed seeds for militant ‘jihad’ in the Middle East.

The how and why of antisemitism on American campuses

Universities are diverse environments. Support for various causes can stem from academic freedom, differing interpretations of events, or a desire to amplify marginalised voices.

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