Creating a Virtuous Circle for Exponential Change

Rajeev Circle Fellowship


Rajeev Circle
Fellowship 2021

Rajeev Circle Fellowship is designed to create, mentor and empower young innovators from the developing world and link them closely to the Silicon Valley in California. Over 150 fellows have been a part of this community in the past and have accelerated their journey during the fellowship.

All Sessions live on youtube

Follow @ashajadeja325 and @MotwaniJadeja Foundation on twitter for updates regarding Rajeev Circle Fellowship 2021


Stage 01 training with RC Alums
Discussion with Asha Stage 02 training with RC Alums
Stage 03 training with RC Alums Discussion with a guest
Stage 04 training with RC Alums
8th-9th-10th October
Meeting the RC Community, Panel Discussions, Presentations, Fireside chats And much more!


Rajeev Circle Fellowship is designed to create, mentor and empower young entrepreneurs from the developing world and link them closely to the Silicon Valley in California. The fellowship has supported over 100 fellows over the last five years.

RCF is an evolving network of entrepreneurs bound by a synergistic set of activities, vision, philosophy and aspirations. The fellows also serve as a distributed network of “scouts” in their regions of activity. Often scouts introduce and mentor other entrepreneurs like themselves. We hope that the fellowship will create powerful network effects in their regions of activity.


Rajeev Motwani

Rajeev Motwani was a Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University.Rajeev was a luminary in many academic disciplines. He made fundamental contributions to the foundations of computer science, search and information retrieval, streaming databases and data mining, and robotics. In these areas, he considered questions as philosophical as what makes problems inherently intractable, and as practical as finding similar images and documents from a database. His text book, Randomized Algorithms, with Prabhakar Raghavan, epitomizes this meeting of the abstract and the concrete, and has been a source of inspiration to countless students. He has received many awards for his research; notably, the Gödel Prize, and the Arthur P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship. Rajeev’s academic legacy extends to teaching and advising a large number of students, many of whom have gone on to successful academic careers.

In addition to his academic accomplishments, Rajeev was a legendary figure in Silicon Valley. He was an early investor and technical advisor for many ventures, and mentored dozens of young enterpreneurs. In the words of one of those young enterpreneurs, Sergey Brin, “Today, whenever you use a piece of technology, there is a good chance a little bit of Rajeev Motwani is behind it.”


Asha Jadeja

Asha Jadeja is a Silicon Valley-based venture capitalist who has invested in over 200 technology startups in the Bay Area. As an entrepreneur herself, her investing philosophy is designed to ignite young entrepreneurs into becoming disruptive change makers.

“Making a dent in poverty requires money. Without a strong focus on economic growth, developing countries like India will continue to be stuck in a cycle of poverty. Need of the hour is to let technology driven growth enable India to break out of the cycle of poverty. It is critical that we identify and remove legacy obstacles to growth as fast as possible.”

All of Asha’s venture and philanthropic initiatives in India have been designed to help the nation break free of this cycle of poverty.

“Exponential growth is possible through technology enabled entrepreneurship, lean government, world class education and women’s leadership.”

Gender equality, inclusive growth, lean government and national security are core interests of MITLI (Motwani Institute for Thought Leadership in Innovation) – an unprecedented bridge between the US and India. Asha created MITLI as an advocacy platform designed to drive policy changes in India.

A firm believer in the power of grassroots socio-economic movements Asha created MakerFest in 2013. A powerful network of makers and innovators that pro-actively problem solve for their own communities. Makerfest is now prolific in Africa, India and more recently in Brazil. She created India’s first network of dozens of Fablabs designed to spark a just in time manufacturing environment in India.

With help from Prof Sugata Mitra, Asha also set up India’s first self supported School in the Cloud in Ahmedabad. This has now grown to over 60 locally managed and sustained “schools in the cloud” within South Asia.

Asha is a prolific thought leader rooted within the milieus of Stanford, UC Berkeley, Google, Hoover Institute, Council on Foreign Relations and Brookings USA. She is a limited partner in over 20 Bay Area venture funds, Acumen Fund NY, and Kawasafi Fund, Africa.

As a prolific collector of Indian art, Asha is currently engaged with Stanford University Cantor Art Museum in bringing top Indian artists into a global forefront.

What is the

Rajeev Circle Fellowship?

Rajeev Circle Fellowship is a growing community of tech savvy change makers who share a vision of peace, prosperity, human rights and freedom in South Asia.

Designed as a social movement from the ground up by its founder Asha Jadeja, RCF is a family driven charitable organisation not tethered in any university or institution. The fellowship aims to create a grass roots network of budding venture capitalists in South Asia who will extend Asha and her late husband Proffesor Rajeev Motwani’s vision of bringing a ‘mindset of abundance, risk taking and disruption’ into their home regions.

The fellowship is a one of a kind phenomenon that operates by itself with the help of a group of senior volunteers in the Bay Area that form the Rajeev Circle. Once inducted as a Rajeev Circle Fellow, its members become a tight knit community of exponential thinkers and doers that transcend the usual definitions and do what it takes to extend this network to other like minded entrepreneurs.

Each year the fellows get to immerse themselves in the heart of the Silicon Valley – meeting influential entrepreneurs and mentors, attending conferences and bootcamps, and even pitching to potential investors.

Asha’s vision has evolved towards grooming our Fellows to form a distributed network of budding Scout VCs. Our scouts will enable hundreds of brilliant young entrepreneurs and problem solvers from South Asia to get a running start in their own projects through the wealth of experience and resources available in the Valley. For more mature projects we see our fellowship as providing escape velocity to our entrepreneurs and their startups.

After their first visits, RC Fellows acquire a “permanent home” in the Valley, giving them unprecedented freedom to visit for sales, conferences, business development and fund raising opportunities. Our fellows have grown into a dynamic, living and breathing corridor between South Asia, Europe and US. All expenses are borne entirely by the Motwani Jadeja Foundation.