Hailing from a strict, orthodox Muslim family, Haleem’s love with Hindu classical dance, as a young man, seemed nothing less than a sin. Many obstacles stood in his way, such as opposing his family’s wishes, religious pressure, and even financial crisis.However, his greatest hurdle was that he was boy, who wanted to learn a classical dance,whichis traditionally performed by females. All of these things cornered him into thinking that these dreams may never come true. But nothing can stop a person whose passion is next to devotion. This is self-evident in what Haleem Khan has showcased to the world with his enormous success today. Professionally trained under many renownedgurus, dance has now become the language he speaks most fluently and the religion he believes in deeply.

Haleem Khan is an Indian Kuchipudi dancer, performer and movie actor, born on 10 April from Ongole of Andhra Pradesh and presently lives in Hyderabad. Haleem has performed more than 800 dance shows across the world, as well conducted Kuchipudi workshops overseas.