Addressing Global Challenges

Motwani Jadeja Foundation, founded by entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist Asha Jadeja Motwani, has taken up a new initiative – ASHA at World Economic Forum 2020 to lead contribution of India towards addressing the global challenges.

ASHA (meaning hope or desire in Sanskrit) is an initiative led by the Motwani Jadeja Foundation and Motwani Institute for Thought Leadership in Innovation (MITLI) to inspire people to take action that would change the world through cutting-edge innovation and state-of-the-art technologies, through a collective, equitable and human-centric approach.

ASHA aspires to redesign the future by imagining a post-nation-state world that will be inclusive, youthful, entrepreneurial and human-centric.

ASHA envisions to create a brave new world with smart, just and fully transparent enforcement mechanisms to help our planet transition from a post-colonial present, to a dignified future where all human life is equally sacred.

“With 17 per cent of the world already living in India (and an estimated population of 1.5 billion by 2030), it is imperative that the citizens of India leapfrog into the future as rapidly and efficiently as possible,” said Asha Jadeja Motwani, Founder of MJF, while talking about the initiative.”

As the world grapples to achieve the Global Agenda 2030, India too faces multiple challenges like poverty, hunger, water and sanitation, education, healthcare and environment. While India struggles its way to a USD 5 trillion economy, an Indian diaspora is prospering in the Silicon Valley, leading the world into the future through its dynamic and visionary technology leadership,” added Motwani.

Perhaps, now is the opportune time for India to connect with the Indian diaspora in the Silicon Valley for sharing of knowledge and technology and thereby leverage their success to address the development challenges of India.

“Asha Jadeja, the matriarch of Motwani Jadeja Family Foundation and the spearhead of the ASHA movement, will be introducing her global think tank – The Motwani Institute for Thought Leadership in Innovation (MITLI), to the World Economic Forum community for the first time at Davos 2020 through the ASHA initiative.

At World Economic Forum, ASHA will showcase the potential of technology as demonstrated by the invaluable solutions developed by innumerable companies, start-ups and organisations at Silicon Valley, supported by the Motwani Jadeja Foundation and Motwani Institute for Thought Leadership in Innovation (MITLI).

The initiative aims to create and enable a mechanism for technology entrepreneurs to leapfrog out of corruption and regulatory barriers in home countries to become powerful global players along with bringing in policy changes that lift unnecessary bottlenecks in the growth of poor countries and fast track women leadership in taking top entrepreneurs global.

Published at ANI