Our vision is to catalyze innovation and entrepreneurship at the grassroots by creating platforms for makers and tinkerers to celebrate innovation with the local communities.

Asha Jadeja

The Latest

Makerfest Vadodara 2019

Developing a great maker community of creators, artists, and hobbyists. Organized by MJF in…

Makerfest Ahmedabad 2018

Makerfest, which was started by the Motwani Jadeja Foundation (MJF) as an annual event attracting makers and tinkerers.

Makerfest Kerala 2018

Initiated by Kerala Startup Mission and MJF to nurture a maker culture in the new generation. It was the largest congregation of industrious youth in Kerala.

Makerfest Ahmedabad 2018

Launched by the foundation as an annual event, attracting makers, artists, and tinkerers to develop a great maker community combining science, arts, and technology.