“We are determined to support and drive the systemic models and policies that impact entrepreneurial ecosystems, research and collaborations, and implementation at scale.”
The Latest
Establishing the first FabLab in India
MJF established FabLab CEPT as one of the 7 workshops at CEPT University. It is a maker space for technological experimentation and innovation for CEPT affiliates, makers, researchers, and creative thinkers.
How India’s talent for innovation is finding a platform
A tidal energy harvester, art installations, humanoid robots, or laser-cut leather installations, makerspaces in India are the go-to places for creative people as India’s innovative talent is finding a platform.
Drone made by teen to be key draw at CEPT fest
Makerfest Ahmedabad saw fourteen-year-old Harshwardhan Jhala make a drone used for agriculture, security, and defense. He used a microcontroller, in-built camera and sensors to make the Eagle A-7.
FabLabs in Global Community Education
FabLabs in Global Community Education is a research project to understand better how FabLabs support innovative learning in local communities.