How India’s talent for innovation is finding a platform

A tidal energy harvester, art installations, humanoid robots, or laser-cut leather installations, makerspaces in India…

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Drone made by teen to be key draw at CEPT fest

Makerfest Ahmedabad saw fourteen-year-old Harshwardhan Jhala make a drone used for agriculture, security, and defense.…

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FabLabs in Global Community Education

FabLabs in Global Community Education is a research project to understand better how FabLabs support innovative…

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Establishing the first FabLab in India

MJF established FabLab CEPT as one of the 7 workshops at CEPT University. It is a maker space for technological…

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India-US nuclear deal continues to have an impact

October 10 marked 14 years of the landmark US-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, better known as the…

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India’s startup ecosystem is the ray of light amid

India harbours the third largest startup ecosystem in the world – behind only China and the US. With the business…

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Entrepreneurship is the driver of economic growth

Entrepreneurship, in its most basic sense, can be described as problem solving. An individual or a group creates new…

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Ease of investment regulations will make India

Asha Jadeja Motwani is the founder of Motwani Jadeja Family Foundation, a philanthropist, angel investor, and an NFT…

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Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur, venture capitalist

Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur, venture capitalist and philanthropist, Asha Jadeja has launched a unique program…

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ASHA in Davos 2020: Creating a Platform for Indian entrepreneurs

Asha Jadeja, the spearhead of the ASHA movement, introduced her global think tank: The Motwani Institute for Thought…

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